Thursday, December 10, 2009
Johor Bahru!Bored..............
Yesterday I had went to Johor Bahru to sent some diary's and pen drive for JKR and JPS.We went there two days.At the first day,the first stationis at Muar.After sent the things,we go to the second station:Batu Paat.At there,My father call his friend uncle Beru to eat asam pedas!Yummy Yummy!After that,we go to Johor Bahru to send others.At there it is night already,so wesleep at hotel.We have our dinner and get back to hotel and sleep.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
happy birthday!!!!for me.
Yesterday was my birthday!I go to Melaka at the day before yesterday.At that day,we get there but we didnt live there.I remember a food that is very nice,and just like a ball.It is chicken rice balls!!!We ask my uncle to bought us to the restaurant with delicous chicken rice balls,But it didnt open.So we go to another restaurant ate chicken rice balls.After that,my mother bought some present at the pasar for me!She bought me a robot and a samurai sword.After bought my present,we get home and sleep.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
balik rumah dengan kaki busuk
Today I will back to my house to play the CAR.When I were ready,I ware my sport shoe.It's something happen!When i were waring,I touched a very very soft.I don't no what is it,so i go in to the car without waring shoes.I took out the soft things in my shoes.Did you know what is it?It is a FROG!!!!!!!!!I run into my ama's house.Luckily,the dog was locked.My aunt took the frog out of the car.After that,we started our car.Not longer,we ate our lunch at a restaurant and continue driving.It's 4hours ago,I finally saw my father!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Yesterday,I just came back from China.I wanted to went to my ama's house,but I cant take my toy car that father bought for me.So I play the things at ama's house and the others.When we went to ama's house,it is already 8o'clock.It is 9o'clock in the morning.My aunt call me to help him do some work.After that,we play the computer together.When we were finish playing,my cuzon go out to play football.She and call us to get out to play with him.When I get out,the dog bite my leg!I faster get into the house.I am very pain,but it was no blood.It is now 7o'clock,my cuzon took me to clinic.From now,i'm scared of the dog in my ama's house.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Happy birthday to papa!
Today is my fathers birthday.We have bought TWO presents for him,I will not tell anyone.(Things happen yesterday)We go to Jusco afterI came from school,But my lazy brother is sleeping.I called him and we got to Jusco brought my big brother and ate at a restaurant named Old Asia.After that,we go to buy SECRET present at there.We got o J-card service wrap the present and thats all what we do.I wish my father healthy every d
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Is it really?
My brothers and my exam are finish!I have ready to wacth a movie at cinema,but I can't(2012).I heard 2012 is a movie about the end of the world.All of the disaster will happen at that year(SCARED~).After our delicous dinner,I am puzzled and I ask my father:"Are our's leg have magnet?Grounds are S,our legs are N.My father said:"Why head not be atracted to the floor?"I said because head is S!When I went home,I remember:But why some people can use its head on the floor?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Standard three's exam is finish!
My last exam finish !I can do anything today.Todays exam is english and chinese.I am very nervous before I exam,I also very scared.After exam,our teacher arrange the chair because tommorow is childrens day.When I get home,I told my mother to buy balloonfor childrens day.I also told my marks in exam.I wish I can get a good results.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
is there a CCTV?
Today when I went home,I go to see my baby crystals that I put it at my studyroom.They are very cute,they also very round,too.When the time is up,I go to bath.After bath,I go to play my mothers computer when they are out.When they are getting home,I close the computer fastly.At the time,I forgot to close the modem!When she get back,she go up and close the doors room.Its dinner time!im ready to eat "Hainan chicken rice",Yummy!When we are eating,she said I played computer game,so I say got .But there is something happens,she know what I play just now!She said I play waka waka,but it is real!So,I must find the CCTV!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Exam after Deepavali
After this week is exam!I am ready for this exam because this is the last exam.If I can all improve all my subject,I will feel happy!But my exam is after Deepavali,so my mother will took me to her Indian friends home.?My mother said tommorow morning must do the homework and read the reference books.At last,I must did what I do!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I am angry!
Today is Wednesday.I went to school at the morning.In the evening,I get home and ready for exercise.After bathing,I have ate some chocalate before dinner.I also jump 40 times before dinner,too.The dinner very delicous, got curry fish,chicken wings,kampung fish and others.When im ready the books to school,schoolbag's zip broken!Im very angry and beat the zip.My father cames.He told me need the clips to clip the zip,so I try.When I go to school,it works!But when I am going home,the clip always keep dropping.My teacher says go to a shop to make repair zip.So my zipmwill did at next day.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Mom go to Pangkor island
My mom went to Pangkor island the day before yesterday.She went there because there was a course.So we went to my ama's house at Pahang yesterday.When I came back from school,we went to ama's house.When we are there,we go to ate Char Keow Teow,Yummy!I slept at ama's house a day.Today,I went to Uncle's house at Ipoh.I played Mahjong with him,I also did my homework at his house.After that,we ate a delicous food at there.We went home at the night.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
mooncake festival
Tommorow is holiday,and another tommorow is mooncake festival.When i said mooncake festival,I remember the mooncake of war(Start the story?)One day,a king with his wife found a mooncake,and his wife eat one bite and she flew away.From that minute,every body said the mooncake when you eat and the people will fly.When the king is dead,the mooncake has been kept in Power Rangers hand.One day,A people need the mooncake and fly to the air.He's name is UNDERTAKER~!He need it,and need it!When two Power Rangers are shopping,undertaker came out!They all dance~lalalalalla~!Ei?Why so strange,why they all dance together?and Under taker ready to fight and Power Rangers sing:"Go,Go,Power Rangers~!(2 times)They all fight but also Power Rangers win and they get back to shopping.When under taker is dieing,he go to tell Mrs.rabbit,and saidblablablla,blablabla,blablabla and saw the moon.She said,Wah, so big!I will help you.She give undertaker power and tommorow will find them(P.R.)To be continueted............
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Yay!Your home!
Today my mom will get home,so I'm ready to see him and the things that she buy at Bangkok.But I got got art class at daycare,so I go there.When I get there,it say is 4:30,so i must wait at there until 7o'clock(full day)When 4:30,the teacher teach us to do butterfly lantern.Because I take many recycle bottle,so I do the butterfly are different with others.When my mom cames,I hug him.She buy a wooden gun that can shoot rubber,it is cool!I shoot the rubber every where,but it cant shoot people.This is all my things happened to day.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
gummy man
Today,I said I can go to fihing ,but I have lazy to wake up,so I just go to Sitiawan eat Bak Kut Teh~~(yummy,yummy!).I'm not sure that is Bak Kut Teh restaurant,because it also have seafoods.After I have finish the foods,there is one plate of shark with the touth skin.After that,we have the 2nd round at the old Pantai Remis.We eat Curry mee,India mee and wantan mee.In the way home,I know how to blow bubble by using chewing gum.I can learn many things without mommy at my beside.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Go to Tapah eat durian
Today,I go to Tapah eat durian.We go to eat durian in the afternoon(with Uncle Lim).Uncle Lim is a good motorbike driver.before he came,many durians are not sweet,and it just a little.When he came,he took us to the office.There is many durians,I love the durians.But after we eat all the durians,we go to find durians again.When we started to go to find,Uncle Lim Sent me to find the durians by ridding motorbike.
Monday, September 21, 2009
When you go 1 place,I also go 1 place!
When my mother when to Bangkok,I when to another place,but not at home.I visited my grandmother after my mother when to Bangkok,I ate a special dinner,too!The foods are great!Just like TomYam,fish,'Hua Yu Gua Lam Pou' and others.The fish are delicous when eat with rice(my aunt use hand to eat),Tom Yam with mee,mmmmmmmmmmmmm..........................looks delicous!After eating,we when to the fishery see the sunset(very pretty).After I get to grandmothers home,I go to my aunt's friend's house cut my hair.So,I will go to fishing,but not really sure.
Friday, September 18, 2009
happy birthday,mom!
My mom will birthday after two hours,so I have ready my card,present but the cake haven't buy.My card I do at front page,I put bamboo:1 big is aunty,1 is his sunflower(me)and a rose(our neighbor).And I do a maze about mothers good things,I say mothers eyes pretty.And say no,mothers two eyes pretty than 1.another is a plant has one leaf and say cheh!two leaf say wah!4 say is moms mouth.When she safe us in the maze,we say thank you,mother,I love you!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Happy birthday to you~~~
This Saturday is my mothers birthday,but she will go to Bangkok at next Monday(to do her work).But todays news is,we go to 'Wang Di Mian'eat special foods.We eat wantan mee,dong fen and others,but the special is the DUCK!(yum yum yum)I love the foods,but it hearts my tounge!Ouch!When we get home,my moms coment:wantan mee is very sticky,dong fen not very good and the ducks meat stick at the bone.So, its good~or bad~?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
4 days in daycare
[I will stop writting imagine that,its too boring,is it?I will write what I do from monday until today]
1st day:
Today is all the Selangor can rest,I just do nothing. *the end the 1st day*
2nd day:
UPSR will started from today.So,I no need to go to school,but I can't just a people at the house.So my mom took me to daycare,tuition until 2:30(I hate it!).
3rd day:
There is many people like to take his PSP and NDS to my daycare,they din't have tuition.Many tuition's student like to play the PSP and NDS(but the people din't give them).They all lock the door,don't let them get in.
4th day:
Today is the last day I can see standard 2,4,5 and 6,because they are morning class.but,the people who play NDS cry because tuition class students are fighting with him.This is my hliday in this 4 day.Boring~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1st day:
Today is all the Selangor can rest,I just do nothing. *the end the 1st day*
2nd day:
UPSR will started from today.So,I no need to go to school,but I can't just a people at the house.So my mom took me to daycare,tuition until 2:30(I hate it!).
3rd day:
There is many people like to take his PSP and NDS to my daycare,they din't have tuition.Many tuition's student like to play the PSP and NDS(but the people din't give them).They all lock the door,don't let them get in.
4th day:
Today is the last day I can see standard 2,4,5 and 6,because they are morning class.but,the people who play NDS cry because tuition class students are fighting with him.This is my hliday in this 4 day.Boring~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
To be continue imAAAAAAAAAAAAAgine that
and the 2nd paper is(this is before one)two fish at there,but I not realy sure what he is doing.[now,I will continue 'she call him to sing'this word.It is on the title of ImAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgine that.]:so he sing,but he say sing high note.So he did it,but she say higer(Its no music,but you can heard the words),Olivia say the dragon dint like that.Olivia thought him sing like a frog,after Eddie Murphy sing,she say he has gone.When he and Olivia is on the kitchen,she say it is a small cave.After cross the cave(I mean kitchen),and they get to the window,Olivia say there is the Kupida and Qwalli(it is nothing).Eddie Murphy say it have 3 factory,which factory need to buy.He dint heard what are they talking,but Olivia heard,she says 1st:yes,2nd:no,3rd:no.It is real!But,his bos told him how he know.When he get home,he use the magic blanket again.So,Eddie Murphy and Olivia has work together.One day,he do some pancake for Olivia(but has burn).Olivia want to play pancake restaurant,it have chocalate,chili and tomato keatchup.She put all the keatchup,she also put too many.Eddie Murphy false him Qwalli is out the window,Olivia look out there and he throw the pancake.When she see back he,he say it is good.One month ago,it is a Eddie Murphy's friends son birthday,also he will vs with his enemy.(to be continue)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
To be continue imAAAAAAAAAAAAAgine that
[Im the writter.I have lost some content after 'to take Eddie Murphy's job,'I will write the contentfrom there until 'so his daughter'this word]:One day,Eddie Murphy take him to his office,because no body at home.When he get Olivia there,she see a movie that is a blue dog there(other manager also see the movie,too).When he is in the 1st meeting,Olivia say disagree with the share.But Eddie Murphy say yes.When he saw his daughter is shouting no,he talk to Olivia no.Other people say:"You day no?"But Eddie Murphy say yes again.But Olivia shout no,and he say no to him.Other managers talk to him again yes or no,he say agin yes,and his daughter go back to Eddie Murphy's room.When 1st meeting has finish,there is another meeting at 11:00,and he faster go to find his notes.When a girl manager say the people who wanted to stole his job has turn it into10:30,but it din't saw his notes.Oh my god!Olivia has draw many things at the notes.He scole him who say you can do that,she say Qwalli say can.So, when he is out the room, he saw they all is playing whalawhala with the people that is taking Eddie Murphy's job(its name is I not really sure.So,he became angry and say the wrong thing:Do you know why this paper has many dots?because it is sting!And the 2nd paper is(to be continued)
Monday, September 7, 2009
Today,I watch a movie that is very 'IMAGINE'.Title is Imagine that(oo).This story is about the Eddie Murphy's daughter has a magic blanket that have Qwalli,Kupida and other princess.When Eddie Murphy is meeting,he's daughters teacher complain why Olivia(he's daughter)always take the magic blanket.So,Eddie Murphy go to talk with his daughter.After he take it,Olivia shout!He's mother talk to him,and Eddie Murphy sent Olivia back to he's home.Now,there is a people who wanted to take Eddie Murphy's job,so his daughter say she will sent him to see Qwalli.She take the magic blanket round a circle at Eddie Murphy's head.And she call Eddie Murphy round many circle until she say stop."Stop!"Olivia say.When he put down the magic blanket,he only at his home.Olivia call him go in to the forest(but the forest is bedroom.When he get back to infront the computer,she say there's a dragon.She call he to sing,
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Go to gong gongs house
Today,my friend let me go to his house.When we get the restaurant beside his house,we eat roti canai.After eating,I run to his big house.But,the kakak say he has go shopping,so I get home.When I telephone to his house,he say he has at the home.My mom say:"I think he call his kakak say he's not home,because I think he haven't finish his homework."So,I just wait the time until we go to gong gongs house.Before we go to gong gongs house,my aunt has come.She come here to send hi ama.After we get to gong gongs house,I waiting for my lunch:rojak(can eat againT.T).1 hours ago,its is time for dinner(so fast,but I 1/4 stomuch is empty.After we get to the restaurant,wah,many things to eat at there.Got fish,meat,vegetables and other food that I like.When i get home,I want to eat the rojak again(but mummy din't give me).
Sunday, August 30, 2009
many things happen today
Today,my father will take me to Jusco to watch movie about 'UP'.But,Has many things happen before go to see movie!Zhao Xun(cousin brother)will back to my ama's house,after send him to shopping,we will go to axbition for change some things(at last,we din't get anything from there)After we get out from there,we and Zhao Xun to the Tangkat Beef Noodle(restaurant)eat beef noodles(we send Zhao Xun back Pantai Remis after eating).After we get home,my mom's purse has gone!She find all the house,my brother drive the car to the restaurant mamak and the place to repair car,but its really gone!My mother went to lodge to police report.Its now 8:30,my father send us to cinema to see the movie 'UP'(funny movie :D)After we get home,we just know today is my neighbors birthday.We din't take large cake,we just take cupcake with 1 candle.This is last 10 seconds!9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,MERDEKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
no football today
This day,we will said bye bye to Frasers Hill.Before we get down,we go to the clock tower to take some picture(but I will not put at this blog).after take some picture,we go to found some things to eat.At last,we get down the Frasers Hill to eat.We eat two fish(1 steam and 1fried),tomyam prawn,rib and the others.I love the rib,because it is very nice,but I din't love the taufu.After we get home,I do what my mom need to do.My blog will exciting if today can see foot ball,but my father very tired.So, we can't go to see football.
Friday, August 28, 2009
go to Frasers Hill
Yesterday,I go to Seremban with my aunt's family.I follow they all because my cuzon wanted to back China,so I follow him to airport only said byebye!Today is today,we go to Frasers hill.Before my aunt with his family go,I and they all go to Rawang eat Loh Mee.After eating,my 2nd cuzon drive the car up to the Frasers Hill(but my head very pain).Upping the mountain,My 2nd cuzon use super power to up the hill(very powerful!).After we get up,I am very happy until I want to shoud.After eat 1st round,we go to walk a huge round at the Frasers Hill.The round very huge,we walk until the round became maze.After we get back,we all eat 2nd round-4th round.This is all what I do at here,have a nice day!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
last thing I wan't to say.........
Yesterday,I went toPulau Pinang(but I don't no why went to Pulau Pinang).This morning,we have late to ate Dim Sum because my 2nd brother is sleeping.After we got there(Ipoh),it's already 9:30.I very hungry,so I just shouded:"Hungry!Hungry!Very hungry!"So,my father sent us to restaurant eat Keow Teow soap(with my aunt).After eating,my aunt sent my brother to clinic.
After that,we go to 'hawaitian' eat.Inside have many things to ate,got mooncake,meat,vegetable and others.My aunt need to sent a kakak to my ama's house,because the old kakak has back.Before we go to Pulau Pinang,we go to uncle's house.Uncle bought us to a cafe drank coffee.Before we got Pulau Pinang,my aunt has got there.after we got there,we eat the food at restaurant Chin Bee,This is all the photo's:




After eating,we get to hotel sleep.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............
Monday, August 24, 2009
two things I want to say......
I can't just say one things,because tomorrow I will go to Ipoh eat Dim Sum.I will said now in 3...........2..................1.........................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............................:[Now,I have learn how to play guitar,but I just know romance,this song.I know its first step,but dont no second step,I wish I can did until the final step(but i din't.I think I can finish the song today).Second thing is,I will go to Ipoh,Pantai Remis and Frasers Hill.I know im going to Ipoh eat Dim Sum,go to Frasers hill playing,but dont no why go to ama's house.]This is all my stories, and have a good school holiday!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
first to play mahjong
Today is my first to play mahjong,I am very happy if I playing mahjong.I just play with my father,but I also very happy.One day,I can win my father,he give me a real mahjong.After I got the mahjong,I dancing like a monkey at my home.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Chelsea vs Hull City
Today,my homes television spoil yesterday because always beat it.We go to Murni to eat roti hawaii at there,and buy a television(at the last,we dint buy).After that,we go to mamak restaurant to see chelsea vs hull city.If we have there,its already 1vs1.there is the last special 6 minits,the Chelsea goal one!!!!After that,we back to home.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Exam finish!!!
Today is my happiest day,because 3rd exam is finish!My daycare can anything to there tomorow,my mother not serius this day and im very happy in this day.This day,I do my homework happily.After do,I will play and play and play!Im very happy after exam,just like a monkey after exam.I will do every thing that my mother said, but some times no.I have a first day I play like monk.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tomorrow is chinese exam,I dint ready for that exam.Afetr school,my mother call me to read the books.I'm lazy,so I go to play everything in my house.That night,my mom always call me to reading books.I'm very tired after reading,but my father have bought some hamburger from mcdonald.I dint eat,I go to bed and sleep.After my father knows,my father came up to my room and talk to me.He call me to eat some,so my brother take a little for me.After he all has go,I continue sleeping.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sick 4 Days......
Last day is my FIRST day have flu,fever and cough together.After rest(at school),my head very hot,and i just wait for going home.Ring....I go home with fast as i can.My friend always laugh me:"Ha! Ha!I ask him why he was laughing at me,he said my school bag's zip dint zip.If i turn my bag,all my book's fall out from my bag.My friend's help me to take up the book's and rich home.After I go home,I sleeping at the sofa.My father take me to clinic for see what happening to me(im scared of H1N1).When I saw the doctor,im very scared.She said i can't go to school.I must rest at home(quarantine).So, my life will closed in the home.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Today,i go to school with my father's car.My father is an engineer.He sent me to daycare and he go to work .But today,i dindt take my home work to school!i use telephone and call my father to take my homework to the daycare.after he has take to me,i dint said thank you and continue playing.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
eat eat eat!just eat!
Today,i go to Giant eat food.I have eated sizzling Yee Mee,my brother eated fried rice with chicken chop's chicken.My mom said the sizzling Yee Mee very nice,but the fried rice very bad.I like to eat every fried rice except my brother's fried rice.After that,we all back to home play 1 star's Su Do Ku.At night,we all go eat delicous food at Kepong food court.It has pizza,satay,seafood,rice,noodles and many thing,i has forggoten already!I have eaten pinang's Char Keow Teow(It's not delicous!),my brother call a chicken chop rice(but not fried rice).after eatting all the foods,i said to the food court:Bye!Bye!
Friday, July 17, 2009
i like,but i cant.
I have secret,secret thing in the world.I like it,but my mom said cant use it.It is the computer.I can use to learn something,but not to play.I sign up this blog for learn my grammar.I have many wrong in my blog,because i play a few of computer.This night,my parents always ask me why i shaw tempar.I dint answer anything because my mom will said:"no!U cant play any computer but learning can."So,if my mom is not looking at me writing the blog,i will play a little game that is easily to play.But my mother also beat me.After i writed this blog,i will wait until my mother go tuition or sleeping only play some boring games
Thursday, July 16, 2009
new teacher!
my science teacher said he must go to study,so we all cried like a baby.After he has go,we have no teacher at science class.So,we just wait until new teacher came.Two days ago,we have a new teacher!Name is Teacher Tan.He is the tallest teacher in the school.He is a good teacher,because is not too fierce.We havent know this teacher good or bad,but at least is good for us.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
what a school~
Im a prefect.Im not too fierce and not too gentle.Im very happy to be a prefect.But one day,im look after the gate at school.One standard six students break my hand.How to break?because im holding one railing at my left,one at my right and im standing middle it.The student bang left side,fortunately i dint drop down the stair case!after three week,the students bang again.I use my ultramans shield for defend very pain,but at last i defended the students with my metal hand
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
what a food~
This night,i having a dinner at the house.I say i can thin and i am,i eat the least rice in the family.My brother talk to me:if you eat least not good,you must eat healthy and not least.and 1 thing,you must exercise every day.So, i dindt do anything and eat more bak kut teh.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
ten ji!mum~mum~~
yesterday,i just say i can do it!but, today special!every japan's food are at a place named:Ten JI,yum~looks great...............we went to ten ji with uncle Chai,looks great at there!there is many food there,it is pancakes,sushi,salmon fish,croach fish(i mean all types of fish at japan),beef,popcorns.....................blabla foods at there.i eat the most popcorns and drink the most coconut water at there,but the coconut hasnt have any coconut meat.after eat the 1st round,i saw the television is showing a movie names:hot dog king.when i saw the people eating the food,i dont see the picture.after 2cd round of eating,the movie has end.we get back home.
Friday, July 3, 2009
i can do it!
today,i saw im,im getting fater,fater,fater..........zzzzzzzzzzzz.............i wan to do my stomach smaller.but i tell myself:how?im thinking.............oh! yeah!i will not eat too much and and exercise every day.from tomorow,i gottado what i say:i can!i can!i can......................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................................
Saturday, June 13, 2009
i miss you~
Yesterday I just came back from Australia,and I miss char keow teow and roti canai. So tonight,my father brought for eating char keow teow at Neighbourhood restaurant(it was so delicous!Yum!).
My first bloggieee~~~
Hi everyone~~ this is my first blog~ and tell u secretly, actually im not the blogger here, the blogger is sitting at my side doing nothing.mwahahaha~ anyway, he will blog soon, =) Okay , that's all for now, for the days after today, pls tunjuk ajar, XD ( beg ur pardon for using rojak rojak language, using tamil soon....hahaha)
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